Prompt press the Tab key to pass some extra params (notice the "asknetwork" and "ks=/path/to/ks" parameters):Ĭonfigure your network (statically or via dhcp) and you are done: should be able to perform an unattended installation. Now create a new, empty virtual machine, attach the previously downloadedĬentOS netinstall iso and fire it up, boot from CD-ROM and once reached to the grub Name this file "centos6_64min.ks" and place it somewhere on your webserver, 01 logvol swap - fstype swap - name = swap - vgname = vg0 - size 512 logvol / - fstype ext4 - fsoptions = "noatime" - name = root - vgname = vg0 - size 4096 - grow services - enabled = postfix, network, ntpd, ntpdate reboot % packages - nobase epel - release openssh - clients openssh - server yum at acpid vixie - cron cronie - noanacron crontabs logrotate ntp ntpdate rsync which wget - prelink - selinux - policy - targeted UTF - 8 keyboard it rootpw centos firewall - disabled authconfig - enableshadow - passalgo = sha512 selinux - disabled timezone Europe / Rome bootloader - location = mbr zerombr clearpart - all - initlabel part / boot - fstype ext4 - fsoptions = "noatime" - size = 200 part pv.

Text skipx install url - url http : ///centos/6/os/x86_64/ repo - name = epel - baseurl = http : ///pub/epel/6/x86_64/ repo - name = updates - baseurl = http : ///centos/6/updates/x86_64/ lang en_US.